April 2024 Honorees
February 2024 Honorees
January 2024 Honorees
January 2024 Honorees
October 2023 Honorees
September 2023 Honorees
April 2023 Honorees
February 2023 Honorees
October/November 2022 Honorees
September 2022 Honorees
April 2022 Honorees
April 2022 Honorees
February 2022 Honorees
January 2022 Honorees
October 2021 Honorees
September 2021 Honorees
January 2020 - Honorees
December 2019 - Honorees
October 2019 - Honorees
September 2019 - Honorees
April 2019 - Honorees
February/March 2019 - Honorees
January 2019 - Honorees
December 2018 - Honorees
October/November 2018 - Honorees
September 2018 - Honorees
April 2018 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Kyle Quagliero and Carly Clapperton
pictured l to r. Kayla Lundberg, Rylea Bell and Tressa Proetto
pictured l to r. Maddy Corsi, Amanda Demko and Jessica Campbell
pictured l to r. Marissa Fulcher and Lucas Austin
February/March 2018 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Grant Pargas and Jenna Mesisca
pictured l to r. Pat Kernan, Cooper Quigley and Nick Ditmar
Alexa McClane
January 2018 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Sean Heine, JC Dobis, Brendan Meagher and Thomas Rebstock
pictured l to r. Jane Morgan and Olivia Falzone
pictured l to r. Kiara Hartmann and Dylan Patrowicz
Justin Fowler
December 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Erin Florio, Lauren Lodge and Hailee Duckery
pictured l to r. Tanner Brooks, Natalie Devlin and Nick Tamburro
pictured l to r. Laura Strachan and Alyssa Curilla
October/November 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Isabella Turner, Adrianna Alessi, Catherine McGlynn and Jackie Stone
pictured l to r. Jake Mingin, Kyle Etter, Matt Masella and Kyzir Wall
pictured l to r. Julien Moral Shields, Kane Feudtner and Sam Bethke
September 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Brian Lorenz, Eric Dackis and Gus Gray
pictured l to r. Chloe Deming, Sophie Kambour and Lauren Jones
pictured l to r. Madeline Davis, Lance Sims and Carley Polan
pictured l to r. Heidi Schuitema and Michael Jarvis
pictured l to r. Gracie Meyer and Erica Solomen
pictured l to r. Emma Howell and Amanda Michaels
April 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Erica Barr, Avery Epstein and Bridget Gras
pictured l to r. Mia Cudemo, Celia Luling and TriciaLyn Beamer
February/March 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Grace Caira, Timmy O'Hanlon, Mark Beachy and AnnMarie Cooker
pictured l to r. Libby Ennis and Danielle Lorenz
pictured l to r. Korrey Howdyshell, Nick Zeltt and Julia DeMarco
January 2017 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Hannah Wolson, Sally Lapiska, Jackie Lopardo
pictured l to r. Sean Danks and Adam Potoczak
pictured l to r. Chris Pagliuso, Chris Warner and Jacob Davis
pictured -- Max VanDoren, not pictured Katie Haggerty
December 2016 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Matt Balzan, Timmy O'Hanlon, Justin Lubin and Jack Cahill
pictured l to r. Jada Robinson, Cameron Morgan, Mark Miller and Meghan McMullen
Tara DeSpirito and Victoria Vricella
October/November 2016 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Brett Loughead, Ryan Artis and Georgia Larzelere
pictured l to r. Anastasia Evans, Daniela Howard and Jordan Benstead
pictured l to r. Lauren Jones, Chloe Kehlil and Giavanna Flamini
September 2016 - Honorees
pictured l to r. Kendall Wolson, Madison McCready, Reagan Feudtner, Leila Whene, Jamie Stewart
pictured l to r. Joe Trombley, Kieran Hambrose, Pietro Gambino
pictured l to r. Rachel Winiarczyk, Joe Allan, Cara Keevey
pictured l to r. Emily Wright
April 2016 - Honorees
Pictured l to r. (Front) - Madison McGehrin, Bianca Smith, Molly Johnson
Pictured l to r. (Back) - Kayla McDonald, Zach Martine, David Gajderwociz, Molly Baechler
February/March 2016 - Honorees
Pictured l to r. (Front) - Jonathan Searcy, Kara Bonner, Jenna Hoffner and Jenn Byrne
January 2016 - Honorees
Pictured l to r. (Front) - Tara O'Brien, Emma Zawierucha and Brooke Schillinger
(Back) - Sierra Sanson, Andrew Abbonizio, Ryan Heine, Liza Barr
December 2015 - Honorees
Pictured l to r. Jake Miller, Evan McNally, Delaney Duca, Olivia Frassetto, Bridget Boyle,
Lena Herman and Erin Wicker
October/November 2015 - Honorees
Pictured l to r. Dana Goldstein, Mike McNeil, Alyssa Bishop, Kristen Townsend, Olivia Schuck,
Brendan Dowling, Cassidy Schweibenz and Emily Dougherty (not pictured).
September 2015 - Honorees
l to r. Vanessa Alessi, Morgan Raley, Megan Moore, Haley Benson, Brett Koerner and Joe Dalsey
l to r. Boaz Matlack, JT Mogan, Emme Scholefield, Samar Ahsan, Hannah Brown and Emily Miller