Shawnee High School FCCLA - Family Career and Community Leaders of America- was established in 2006 . We started with just 14 student members and have grown to 30+ members.
Our Chapter is Shawnee High School FCCLA White.
Our FCCLA chapters are very active in our community service project at a local, state and national level.
Our members:
* plan and facilitate Safe Trick or Treat that involves our school, clubs, and community
* plan and facilitate Read Across America
* plan and facilitate activities and public service announcements for Character Counts/School Anti-Violence Awareness Week
* collect aluminum Pull Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
* collect non-perishable foods for the South Jersey Food Bank and our school Food Pantry (which feeds needy families in our school community)
* participate in the New Jersey FCCLA Fall and Spring Leadership Conferences and competitive events