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Shawnee High School



Shawnee High School competes in the Southeastern Division at the District & State levels. Members who meet the requirements will be eligible to compete at the Southern NJ Regional competition in the Southeastern Division. Students who qualify and choose to continue to the next level will participate at the NJ State competition and ultimately, at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC).

DECA competitions include:

  * 100-question multiple choice test (Click HERE for sample test questions )

  * 1 or 2 Role Plays (States and Internationals have an additional "finalist" round)

  * Exam Blue Print - Tells you the type of questions that will be on the test




Click HERE to view sample Role Plays. The videos are examples from the international competition and include single role plays as well as a team role play. 

   * Click HERE to see the TOPICS of your Role Play(s) for the District Competition



DECA currently uses seven industry-validated exams for the following competitive events. Each exam item represents a specific performance indicator from the respective national curriculum standards.
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making
Business Services Operations Research
Human Resources Management Series
Principles of Business Management and Administration
Business Growth Plan
Entrepreneurship Promotion Project
Entrepreneurship Series
Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making
Franchise Business Plan
Independent Business Plan
Innovation Plan
International Business Plan
Start-up Business Plan
Accounting Applications Series
Business Finance Series
Finance Operations Research
Financial Consulting
Financial Services Team Decision Making
Principles of Finance
Stock Market Game
Virtual Business Challenge – Accounting
Hospitality Services Team Decision Making
Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research
Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling
Hotel and Lodging Management Series
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series
Restaurant and Food Service Management Series
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making
Virtual Business Challenge -Hotel Management
Virtual Business Challenge – Restaurant
Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series
Automotive Services Marketing Series
Business Services Marketing Series
Buying and Merchandising Operations Research
Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making
Community Service Project
Creative Marketing Project
Food Marketing Series
Integrated Marketing Campaign–Event
Integrated Marketing Campaign–Product
Integrated Marketing Campaign–Service
Learn and Earn Project
Marketing Communications Series
Marketing Management Team Decision Making
Principles of Marketing
Professional Selling
Public Relations Project
Retail Merchandising Series
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making
Virtual Business Challenge – Fashion
Virtual Business Challenge – Retail
Virtual Business Challenge – Sports
Financial Literacy Promotion Project
Personal Financial Literacy
Virtual Business Challenge – Personal Finance


How To Pick The Right Competitive Event For You

Competitive Events Poster

Click HERE to sign up for a COMPETITIVE EVENT!


1. Principles of Business Management and Administration—PBM

2. Principles of Finance—PFN

3. Principles of Hospitality and Tourism—PHT

4. Principles of Marketing—PMK


1. Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making—BLTDM

2. Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making—BTDM

3. Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making - ETDM

4. Financial Services Team Decision Making—FTDM

5. Hospitality Services Team Decision Making—HTDM

6. Marketing Management Team Decision Making—MTDM

7. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making—STDM

8. Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making—TTDM


1. Accounting Applications Series—ACT

2. Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series—AAM

3. Automotive Services Marketing Series—ASM

4. Business Finance Series—BFS

5. Business Services Marketing Series—BSM

6. Entrepreneurship Series - ENT

7. Food Marketing Series—FMS

8. Hotel and Lodging Management Series—HLM

9. Human Resources Management Series—HRM

10. Marketing Communications Series—MCS

11. Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series—QSRM

12. Restaurant and Food Service Management Series—RFSM

13. Retail Merchandising Series—RMS

14. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series—SEM

PROFESSIONAL SELLING AND CONSULTING EVENTS (Must prepare a presentation prior to the competition)

1. Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling—HTPS

2. Professional Selling—PSE

3. Financial Consulting - FCE

BUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH EVENTS (Written Manuals only for the STATE Competition)

1. Business Services Operations Research—BOR

2. Buying and Merchandising Operations Research- BMOR

3. Finance Operations Research—FOR

4. Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research—HTOR

5. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research—SEOR

CHAPTER TEAM EVENTS (Written Manuals only for the STATE Competition)

1. Community Service Project—CSP

2. Creative Marketing Project—CMP

3. Entrepreneurship Promotion Project—EPP

4. Financial Literacy Promotion Project—FLPP

5. Learn and Earn Project—LEP

6. Public Relations Project—PRP

ENTREPRENEURSHIP EVENTS (Written Manuals only for the STATE Competition)

1. Innovation Plan—EIP

2. Start-Up Business Plan—ESB

3. Independent Business Plan—EIB

4. International Business Plan—IBP

5. Business Growth Plan—EBG

6. Franchise Business Plan—EFB

MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE EVENTS (Written Manuals only for the STATE Competition)

1. Advertising Campaign—ADC

2. Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan—FMP

3. Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan—SEPP

ONLINE EVENTS (Compete in your own time, winners attend International Competition)

1. Stock Market Game—SMG

2. Virtual Business Challenge Accounting —VBCAC

3. Virtual Business Challenge Fashion VBCFA

4. Virtual Business Challenge Hotel Management—VBCHM

5. Virtual Business Challenge Personal Finance—VBCPF

6. Virtual Business Challenge Restaurant—VBCRS

7. Virtual Business Challenge Retail—VBCRT

8. Virtual Business Challenge Sports—VBCSP