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Shawnee High School

Frequently Asked Questions

Shawnee High School Extra-Curricular Activities, Clubs, Organizations and Athletics

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for an activity?

  1. Register:
    Click on the word “registration” on the left hand menu or by clicking here.  A registration directory will open, and you can click the registration link for any club(s) which you want to register.   
  1. Pay the Participation Fee (see below)!


How will students know where to meet for clubs?
Students who register online will be contacted by their club advisor, and there will also be announcements in the morning and during the school day.  Students can also email the advisor directly.  A club and advisor directory can be found on the Activities and Clubs menu list or by clicking here!


What are Participation Fees?
The Lenape Regional High School District has adopted a policy of assessing a $200.00 per student yearly fee for any student who participates in at least one extracurricular activity that requires a Board of Education paid advisor.   The fee is a one-time charge, and will allow a student to participate in an unlimited number of activities and clubs throughout the school year.  (New for the 2023-2024 school year:  any student wishing to participate in an athletic activity (sport)  which requires a paid coach and submission of a health physical, the annual fee will be assessed at $300.00.  The $300.00 fee would cover unlimited participation in both sports and activities/clubs for that student.).  In addition, each student must submit the Athletic and Extracurricular Activity Participation Fee payment prior to the participation (including tryouts) in the activity. The fee is valid for that school year only.

How do I pay the participation fee?
Payments are accepted either via our online SchoolCash Online system.   The current participation fee is $200 per student, with a maximum family cap of $600.  Please follow the instructions below to take advantage of the $600 family cap if you have three or more students currently attending.

SchoolCash Online Payments (

Step 1: Paying for Students #1 & #2:

Please log into the SchoolCash Online System and pay for students #1 and #2.

Step 2: Free Registration of Student #3 or more:
Please complete the form by clicking on the following link to register the information for your children for which you do not need to submit payment:

Are participation fees refundable?
The fee is non-refundable unless the student is cut from the athletic/activity roster and did not participate in any other athletic/extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year. A refund request form must be completed and submitted by June 14 of that year or the fee will be forfeited.  Forms are available in the high school main office.  Refunds will be issued over the summer, after all of the student's obligations have been fulfilled. Any outstanding student obligations will be deducted from the refund at that time. Students who voluntarily drop out of an activity will forfeit their fee.

Is there financial aid available to help a struggling family?
Students who qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program are exempt from paying the Athletic and Extracurricular Activity Participation Fee. If your family is experiencing financial hardship, please contact the Office of Student Athletics and Activities at 609-654-7544, extension 440400.  All calls and inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.

Who should I contact if I have any additional questions?
Please contact Ms. Doris Baratti in the Student Athletics/Activities office, either by phone at 609-654-7544, extension 440400, or via email: